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809 lines
* fsSelect.c --
* Routines to implement the Fs_Select system call.
* Features:
* 1) There is a limit on the number of streams that can be selected.
* (This routine silently limits it to 1024.)
* 2) If the 3 bit masks are NULL, and the timeout value is not 0,
* then Sync_WaitTime is called to wait and FS_TIMEOUT is returned
* with numReady = 0.
* 3) The file-type select routine must handle an empty inFlags value
* by setting outFlags to 0.
* 4) If all bits are cleared in the bit masks, SUCCESS is returned
* with numReady = 0.
* Copyright 1986 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/fs/RCS/fsSelect.c,v 9.6 91/08/08 11:51:59 shirriff Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif not lint
#include <sprite.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <mach.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <fsutil.h>
#include <fsNameOps.h>
#include <fsUnixStubs.h>
#include <procUnixStubs.h>
#include <fsio.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <sig.h>
#include <dbg.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <rpc.h>
#include <vm.h>
static char *errs[] = {"ENOERR", "EPERM", "ENOENT", "ESRCH", "EINTR", "EIO",
#undef Mach_SetErrno
#define Mach_SetErrno(err) if (debugFsStubs) \
printf("Error %d (%s) at %d in %s\n", err,\
err<sizeof(errs)/sizeof(char *)?errs[err]:"",\
__LINE__, __FILE__); Proc_GetActualProc()->unixErrno = (err)
* Internal limit on the number of streams that can be checked.
* This needs to be moved to an external header file!!
#define MAX_NUM_STREAMS 1024
* Number of bits within a row of the bitmask. Assumes a row
* is a 32-bit integer.
#define BITS_PER_ROW 32
* Maximum number of rows of bitmasks.
* Structure passed to the timeout proc to allow the process to be woken up.
typedef struct {
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr;
int timeOut;
} WakeupInfo;
* Routine called in FsSelect if the call timed-out.
static void TimeoutProc _ARGS_((Timer_Ticks ticks, ClientData clientData));
static ReturnStatus readInMasks _ARGS_ ((int numStreams, int *userReadMaskPtr,
int *readMaskPtr, int *userWriteMaskPtr, int *writeMaskPtr,
int *userExceptMaskPtr, int *exceptMaskPtr));
static ReturnStatus writeOutMasks _ARGS_ ((int numStreams,
int *userReadMaskPtr, int *readMaskPtr, int *userWriteMaskPtr,
int *writeMaskPtr, int *userExceptMaskPtr, int *exceptMaskPtr));
* Fs_SelectStub --
* This is the stub for the Fs_Select system call. The bitmasks
* are examined to see if the corresponding stream is readble, writable,
* and/or has an exception condition pending. The user may give a
* timeout period to limit the amount of time to wait.
* Results:
* SUCCESS - the operation was successful.
* FS_TIMEOUT - if a timeout period was specified, and no
* streams were ready within the time-out period.
* SYS_ARG_NOACCESS - an invalid address for an argument was
* given.
* SYS_INVALID_ARG - an invalid stream ID was given in one
* of the bitmaps.
* GEN_ABORTED_BY_SIGNAL - a signal came in.
* Side effects:
* The process may be put to sleep.
Fs_SelectStub(numStreams, userTimeoutPtr, userReadMaskPtr, userWriteMaskPtr,
userExceptMaskPtr, numReadyPtr)
int numStreams; /* The length in bits of the read and write
* masks. */
Time *userTimeoutPtr;/* Timer value indicating timeout period or
* USER_NIL if no timeout. (in/out) */
int *userReadMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for readability. (in/out) */
int *userWriteMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for writability. (in/out) */
int *userExceptMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for exception conditions. (in/out) */
int *numReadyPtr; /* On return indicates the number of streams
* ready for I/O. (out) */
Time timeout; /* Copy of *userTimeoutPtr. */
Time *timeoutPtr;
int numReady = 0;
int doTimeout;
ReturnStatus status, writeStatus;
int inReadMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int inWriteMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int inExceptMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int outReadMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int outWriteMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int outExceptMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int *inReadMaskPtr;
int *outReadMaskPtr;
int *inWriteMaskPtr;
int *outWriteMaskPtr;
int *inExceptMaskPtr;
int *outExceptMaskPtr;
if ((userReadMaskPtr == (int *) USER_NIL) &&
(userWriteMaskPtr == (int *) USER_NIL) &&
(userExceptMaskPtr == (int *) USER_NIL)) {
numStreams = 0;
* Make sure the number of streams is in the proper range.
if (numStreams < 0) {
} else if (numStreams > MAX_NUM_STREAMS) {
numStreams = MAX_NUM_STREAMS;
if (userTimeoutPtr == (Time *) USER_NIL) {
timeoutPtr = (Time *) NIL;
} else {
if (Vm_CopyIn(sizeof(Time), (Address) userTimeoutPtr,
(Address) &timeout) != SUCCESS) {
timeoutPtr = &timeout;
if (userReadMaskPtr == USER_NIL) {
inReadMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
outReadMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
} else {
inReadMaskPtr = inReadMasks;
outReadMaskPtr = outReadMasks;
if (userWriteMaskPtr == USER_NIL) {
inWriteMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
outWriteMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
} else {
inWriteMaskPtr = inWriteMasks;
outWriteMaskPtr = outWriteMasks;
if (userExceptMaskPtr == USER_NIL) {
inExceptMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
outExceptMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
} else {
inExceptMaskPtr = inExceptMasks;
outExceptMaskPtr = outExceptMasks;
status = readInMasks(numStreams, userReadMaskPtr, inReadMaskPtr,
userWriteMaskPtr, inWriteMaskPtr, userExceptMaskPtr, inExceptMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
status = Fs_Select(numStreams, timeoutPtr, inReadMaskPtr, outReadMaskPtr,
inWriteMaskPtr, outWriteMaskPtr, inExceptMaskPtr, outExceptMaskPtr,
&numReady, &doTimeout);
if (status == SUCCESS || status == FS_TIMEOUT) {
writeStatus = writeOutMasks(numStreams, userReadMaskPtr,
outReadMaskPtr, userWriteMaskPtr, outWriteMaskPtr,
userExceptMaskPtr, outExceptMaskPtr);
if (status == SUCCESS && doTimeout && writeStatus==SUCCESS) {
writeStatus = Vm_CopyOut(sizeof(timeout), (Address) &timeout,
(Address) userTimeoutPtr);
if (writeStatus != SUCCESS) {
if (Vm_CopyOut(sizeof(*numReadyPtr), (Address) &numReady,
(Address) numReadyPtr) != SUCCESS) {
* Fs_NewSelectStub --
* The stub for the "select" Unix system call.
* Results:
* Returns -1 on failure.
* Side effects:
* Side effects associated with the system call.
Fs_NewSelectStub(numStreams, userReadMaskPtr, userWriteMaskPtr,
userExceptMaskPtr, userTimeoutPtr)
int numStreams; /* The length in bits of the read and write
* masks. */
int *userReadMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for readability. (in/out) */
int *userWriteMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for writability. (in/out) */
int *userExceptMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for exception conditions. (in/out) */
Time *userTimeoutPtr;/* Timer value indicating timeout period or
* USER_NIL if no timeout. (in/out) */
Time timeout; /* Copy of *userTimeoutPtr. */
Time *timeoutPtr;
int numReady = 0;
int doTimeout;
ReturnStatus status, writeStatus;
int inReadMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int inWriteMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int inExceptMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int outReadMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int outWriteMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int outExceptMasks[MAX_NUM_ROWS];
int *inReadMaskPtr;
int *outReadMaskPtr;
int *inWriteMaskPtr;
int *outWriteMaskPtr;
int *inExceptMaskPtr;
int *outExceptMaskPtr;
extern int debugFsStubs;
if (debugFsStubs) {
printf("Fs_NewSelectStub(%d, %x, %x, %x, %x)\n", numStreams,
userReadMaskPtr, userWriteMaskPtr, userExceptMaskPtr,
if ((userReadMaskPtr == (int *) USER_NIL) &&
(userWriteMaskPtr == (int *) USER_NIL) &&
(userExceptMaskPtr == (int *) USER_NIL)) {
numStreams = 0;
* Make sure the number of streams is in the proper range.
if (numStreams < 0) {
} else if (numStreams > MAX_NUM_STREAMS) {
numStreams = MAX_NUM_STREAMS;
if (userTimeoutPtr == (Time *) USER_NIL) {
timeoutPtr = (Time *) NIL;
} else {
if (Vm_CopyIn(sizeof(Time), (Address) userTimeoutPtr,
(Address) &timeout) != SUCCESS) {
return -1;
timeoutPtr = &timeout;
if (userReadMaskPtr == USER_NIL) {
inReadMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
outReadMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
} else {
inReadMaskPtr = inReadMasks;
outReadMaskPtr = outReadMasks;
if (userWriteMaskPtr == USER_NIL) {
inWriteMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
outWriteMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
} else {
inWriteMaskPtr = inWriteMasks;
outWriteMaskPtr = outWriteMasks;
if (userExceptMaskPtr == USER_NIL) {
inExceptMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
outExceptMaskPtr = (int *) NIL;
} else {
inExceptMaskPtr = inExceptMasks;
outExceptMaskPtr = outExceptMasks;
status = readInMasks(numStreams, userReadMaskPtr, inReadMaskPtr,
userWriteMaskPtr, inWriteMaskPtr, userExceptMaskPtr, inExceptMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
return -1;
status = Fs_Select(numStreams, timeoutPtr, inReadMaskPtr, outReadMaskPtr,
inWriteMaskPtr, outWriteMaskPtr, inExceptMaskPtr, outExceptMaskPtr,
&numReady, &doTimeout);
if (status == SUCCESS || status == FS_TIMEOUT) {
writeStatus = writeOutMasks(numStreams, userReadMaskPtr,
outReadMaskPtr, userWriteMaskPtr, outWriteMaskPtr,
userExceptMaskPtr, outExceptMaskPtr);
if (status == SUCCESS && doTimeout && writeStatus==SUCCESS) {
writeStatus = Vm_CopyOut(sizeof(timeout), (Address) &timeout,
(Address) userTimeoutPtr);
if (writeStatus != SUCCESS) {
if (status == SUCCESS) {
return numReady;
} else if (status == GEN_ABORTED_BY_SIGNAL) {
Proc_GetCurrentProc()->unixProgress = PROC_PROGRESS_MIG_RESTART;
return -1;
} else if (status == FS_TIMEOUT) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
Fs_Select(numStreams, timeoutPtr, inReadMaskPtr, outReadMaskPtr,
inWriteMaskPtr, outWriteMaskPtr, inExceptMaskPtr, outExceptMaskPtr,
numReadyPtr, doTimeoutPtr)
int numStreams; /* The length in bits of the read and write
* masks. */
Time *timeoutPtr; /* Timer value indicating timeout period or
* NIL if no timeout. (in/out) */
int *inReadMaskPtr;
int *outReadMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for readability. (in/out) */
int *inWriteMaskPtr;
int *outWriteMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for writability. (in/out) */
int *inExceptMaskPtr;
int *outExceptMaskPtr;
/* A bitmask indicating stream ID's to check
* for exception conditions. (in/out) */
int *numReadyPtr; /* On return indicates the number of streams
* ready for I/O. (out) */
int *doTimeoutPtr;
Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr; /* This proc's control block */
Timer_QueueElement wakeupElement; /* Element for timeout. */
WakeupInfo wakeupInfo; /* Passed to timeout routine. */
Sync_RemoteWaiter waiter;
int row; /* Index of row of inReadMasks,
* inWriteMasks, inExceptMasks. */
register int mask; /* Selects bit within a row of
* inReadMasks, inWriteMasks,
* inExceptMasks. */
register int inReadMask = 0; /* Contents of a row of inReadMasks. */
register int inWriteMask = 0;/* Contents of a row of inWriteMasks. */
int inExceptMask = 0;/* Content of a row of inExceptMasks.*/
int intsInMask; /* # of integers in inReadMasks,
* inWriteMasks and inExceptMasks. */
register int bit; /* Loop counter */
int bitMax; /* Loop terminating condition */
Boolean poll; /* If TRUE, don't wait if the first
* check of streams finds that none
* are ready now. */
int s; /* Temp copy of numStreams */
ReturnStatus status = SUCCESS;
* If all the masks are NIL, then there aren't any streams to select.
* Set the numStreams to zero so we can see if we can return once the
* timeout argument is examined.
if ((inReadMaskPtr == (int *) NIL) &&
(inWriteMaskPtr == (int *) NIL) &&
(inExceptMaskPtr == (int *) NIL)) {
numStreams = 0;
* See if a timeout period was given. If so, set up a timer
* queue element to call TimeoutProc to wakeup the process.
* If the timeout is 0 or negative, just poll the streams to
* see if any are ready.
if (timeoutPtr == (Time *) NIL) {
poll = FALSE;
*doTimeoutPtr = FALSE;
} else {
if ((timeoutPtr->seconds < 0) ||
((timeoutPtr->seconds == 0) && (timeoutPtr->microseconds == 0))) {
* A zero or negative time was given. Assume the user wants to
* poll the streams.
*doTimeoutPtr = FALSE;
poll = TRUE;
} else if (numStreams == 0) {
* Special case: nothing to select, but a valid timeout period
* was specified. Just wait for the timeout to expire.
if (Sync_WaitTime(*timeoutPtr)) {
} else {
return FS_TIMEOUT;
} else {
Timer_Ticks ticks;
Timer_Ticks currentTicks;
wakeupElement.routine = TimeoutProc;
* Convert the user's timeout value from a relative Time to a
* an absolute time in the internal Timer_Ticks units.
* The value wakeupElement.time is used at the end of this
* routine to return the amount of time remaining in the timeout.
Timer_TimeToTicks(*timeoutPtr, &ticks);
Timer_AddTicks(currentTicks, ticks, &(wakeupElement.time));
poll = FALSE;
*doTimeoutPtr = TRUE;
* Nothing to select and no timeout specified so just return.
if (numStreams == 0) {
return status;
intsInMask = (numStreams + (BITS_PER_ROW -1)) / BITS_PER_ROW;
procPtr = Proc_GetCurrentProc();
* If a timeout period was specified, set up a callback from the Timer
* queue.
wakeupInfo.timeOut = FALSE;
if (*doTimeoutPtr) {
wakeupElement.clientData = (ClientData) &wakeupInfo;
wakeupInfo.procPtr = procPtr;
Timer_ScheduleRoutine(&wakeupElement, FALSE);
waiter.hostID = rpc_SpriteID;
while (TRUE) {
* Get the token to use for select waiting. We must get the token
* before checking the timeout flag because there is a race
* condition between the timeout wakeup and us getting the
* wait token. If we checked timeOut before getting the token, it
* is possible that a time out could come between checking the
* flag and getting the wait token and we could miss the time out.
Sync_GetWaitToken(&waiter.pid, &waiter.waitToken);
if (wakeupInfo.timeOut) {
status = FS_TIMEOUT;
* The read, write and except bit masks can be considered as
* arrays of bits, possibly more than 32 bits long. Each mask is
* represented as an array of ints such that row 0 corresponds to
* streams 0 through 31, row 1 corresponds to streams 32 though
* 63, etc. Within a row, the low-order bit corresponds to the
* smallest stream number.
s = numStreams + 1;
for (row = 0; row < intsInMask; row++) {
int outReadMask = 0;
int outWriteMask = 0;
int outExceptMask = 0;
if (inReadMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
inReadMask = inReadMaskPtr[row];
if (inWriteMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
inWriteMask = inWriteMaskPtr[row];
if (inExceptMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
inExceptMask = inExceptMaskPtr[row];
if (inReadMask != 0 || inWriteMask != 0 || inExceptMask != 0) {
* At least one stream in this row was selected. Go through
* the masks to find the stream number and see if it's ready.
bitMax = (s > BITS_PER_ROW) ? BITS_PER_ROW : s;
for (mask = 1, bit = 0; bit < bitMax; mask <<= 1, bit++) {
* Set up single bit masks that will be or'ed into
* the final result masks.
int readBit = inReadMask & mask;
int writeBit = inWriteMask & mask;
int exceptBit = inExceptMask & mask;
if (readBit | writeBit | exceptBit) {
Fs_Stream *streamPtr;
if (Fs_GetStreamPtr(procPtr, row * BITS_PER_ROW + bit,
&streamPtr) != SUCCESS) {
* A stream was selected that probably
* wasn't opened.
goto deschedule;
} else {
if (!(streamPtr->flags & FS_READ)) {
readBit = 0;
if (!(streamPtr->flags & FS_WRITE)) {
writeBit = 0;
* Call the I/O handle's select routine and
* combine what's left in the single bit masks
* into the final result masks.
assert(((int) streamPtr & 3) == 0);
assert(((int) streamPtr->ioHandlePtr & 3) == 0);
status =
(streamPtr->ioHandlePtr, &waiter,
&readBit, &writeBit, &exceptBit);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
goto deschedule;
if (readBit | writeBit | exceptBit) {
outReadMask |= readBit & mask;
outWriteMask |= writeBit & mask;
outExceptMask |= exceptBit & mask;
if (outReadMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
outReadMaskPtr[row] = outReadMask;
if (outWriteMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
outWriteMaskPtr[row] = outWriteMask;
if (outExceptMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
outExceptMaskPtr[row] = outExceptMask;
* If at least 1 stream is ready or we're just polling, then quit.
* Otherwise, wait until we're notified that some stream became
* ready. When we wake up, start the loop again to find out which
* stream(s) became ready.
if (*numReadyPtr > 0 || poll) {
} else {
if (Sync_ProcWait((Sync_Lock *) NIL, TRUE)) {
* The wakeupInfo.timedOut flag is set by the routine called from
* the timer queue. If the flag is not set, then remove the routine
* from the queue.
if (!wakeupInfo.timeOut && *doTimeoutPtr) {
* Only copy out the masks if something is ready,
* or upon a timeout. (Emacs, in particular, stupidly looks
* at the read masks after a timeout.).
if (status == SUCCESS || status == FS_TIMEOUT) {
if (status != SUCCESS) {
for (row=0 ; row<intsInMask ; row++) {
if (outReadMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
outReadMaskPtr[row] = 0;
if (outWriteMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
outWriteMaskPtr[row] = 0;
if (outExceptMaskPtr != (int *) NIL) {
outExceptMaskPtr[row] = 0;
if (status == SUCCESS && *doTimeoutPtr) {
* A timeout period was given but some stream became ready
* before the period expired. Return the amount of time that
* is remaining in the timeout value.
Timer_Ticks temp;
Timer_SubtractTicks(wakeupElement.time, temp, &temp);
Timer_TicksToTime(temp, timeoutPtr);
* TimeoutProc --
* This routine is called from the Timer queue if a select
* call does not complete by a certain time.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The timeOut field is set to TRUE. Other processes may be woken up.
static void
TimeoutProc(ticks, clientData)
Timer_Ticks ticks;
ClientData clientData;
WakeupInfo *wakeupInfoPtr = (WakeupInfo *) clientData;
wakeupInfoPtr->timeOut = TRUE;
static ReturnStatus
readInMasks(numStreams, userReadMaskPtr, readMaskPtr,
userWriteMaskPtr, writeMaskPtr, userExceptMaskPtr, exceptMaskPtr)
int numStreams;
int *userReadMaskPtr;
int *readMaskPtr;
int *userWriteMaskPtr;
int *writeMaskPtr;
int *userExceptMaskPtr;
int *exceptMaskPtr;
int bytesInMask;
int status;
if (numStreams == 0) {
return SUCCESS;
bytesInMask = ((numStreams+(BITS_PER_ROW -1))/BITS_PER_ROW)*sizeof(int);
* Copy in the masks from user's address space.
if (userReadMaskPtr != (int *) USER_NIL) {
status = Vm_CopyIn(bytesInMask, (Address) userReadMaskPtr,
(Address) readMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (userWriteMaskPtr != (int *) USER_NIL) {
status = Vm_CopyIn(bytesInMask, (Address) userWriteMaskPtr,
(Address) writeMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (userExceptMaskPtr != (int *) USER_NIL) {
status = Vm_CopyIn(bytesInMask, (Address) userExceptMaskPtr,
(Address) exceptMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
return SUCCESS;
static ReturnStatus
writeOutMasks(numStreams, userReadMaskPtr, readMaskPtr,
userWriteMaskPtr, writeMaskPtr, userExceptMaskPtr, exceptMaskPtr)
int numStreams;
int *userReadMaskPtr;
int *readMaskPtr;
int *userWriteMaskPtr;
int *writeMaskPtr;
int *userExceptMaskPtr;
int *exceptMaskPtr;
int bytesInMask;
int status;
if (numStreams == 0) {
return SUCCESS;
bytesInMask = ((numStreams+(BITS_PER_ROW -1))/BITS_PER_ROW)*sizeof(int);
if (userReadMaskPtr != (int *)USER_NIL) {
status = Vm_CopyOut(bytesInMask, (Address) readMaskPtr,
(Address) userReadMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (userWriteMaskPtr != (int *) USER_NIL) {
status = Vm_CopyOut(bytesInMask, (Address) writeMaskPtr,
(Address) userWriteMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (userExceptMaskPtr != (int *) USER_NIL) {
status = Vm_CopyOut(bytesInMask, (Address) exceptMaskPtr,
(Address) userExceptMaskPtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
return SUCCESS;